Punching - Results
List of Results
The following list of result values is available to be presented in the graphical output:
UC |
Summary unity check as maximum from below mentioned checks |
UCvfRd,c |
Unity check of the punching shear resistance of plate without shear reinforcement including fibres |
UCvRd,max | Unity check of the punching shear resistance at the column perimeter |
UCvRd,cs | Unity check of the punching shear resistance of plate with designed shear reinforcement (including limit of maximum capacity achievable by application and excluding fibres |
UCAsw,det | Unity check of the detailing rules of designed punching shear reinforcement (the maximum value from all detailing rules is presented) |
Asw,tot | Total amount of designed shear reinforcement placed within the basic control perimeter around column |
VEd | Punching shear force calculated as difference of axial forces of columns per floor |
Graphical output
Presentation of any selected result value of the Punching calculation in graphical window consists of two components:
- numerical value of the result itself
- visualization of control perimeters
Colouring of both components is given differently. The colour of numerical value is determined according to the type of selected result value. If the selected result is not a check value (Asw, VEd) than the colour of the numerical value is always blue. Else the standard principle of colouring is used - as for any unity check - to distinguish between satisfy (green) and not satisfy (red) check value.
The colour of control perimeters is considered to be more advanced to provide the complete information about final punching result case independently on the selected result value. Basic four punching case may be found as follows:
- A) maximum shear capacity of concrete adjacent to the column is not sufficient (UCvRd,max > 1.0) -> basic control perimeter is red
- B) shear capacity without shear reinforcement is sufficient (UCvfRd,c ≤ 1.0 and UCvRd,max ≤ 1.0) -> basic control perimeter is green
- C and E) shear capacity with shear reinforcement is sufficient (UCvfRd,c > 1.0 but UCvRd,cs ≤ 1.0) -> all required control perimeters are blue
- D) plate is not designable by application of shear reinforcement (UCvRd,cs > 1.0) or detailing rules are broken (UCAsw,det > 1.0) => all required control perimeters are red
Numerical output
Presentation of results as a numerical output is possible via Preview and / or Table results. For the Punching check, there is available two types of output:
- Brief - contains just a summary table with basic results
- Standard - contains the same summary table as in Brief output supplemented by additional tables providing further semi-results
Note: As option for display the Standard output for the specific node, it's possible to use the Table results functionality. In this way, it's just necessary to select a line representing the specific node and by double-click on the line the display the output just for that node.
There is also possibility to display explanation of symbols list of used symbols in with explanation presented in numerical output is following:
VEd |
Punching design shear force taken as difference of axial forces of columns per floor |
UCvfRd,c |
Unity check of the punching shear resistance of plate without shear reinforcement with respect of fibres |
UCvRd,max | Unity check of the punching shear resistance at the column perimeter |
UCvRd,cs | Unity check of the punching shear resistance of plate with designed shear reinforcement (including limit of maximum capacity achievable by application |
UCAsw,det | Unity check of the detailing rules of designed punching shear reinforcement (the maximum value from all detailing rules is presented) |
Asw,tot | Total amount of designed shear reinforcement placed within the basic control perimeter around column |
VEd | Punching shear force calculated as difference of axial forces of columns per floor |
Errors, Warnings and Notes
Part of graphical and numerical output can be information about errors, warnings and notes. List of all possible E/W/N messages is following: